Thursday, May 12, 2011

Best Baby Diapers Available Wholesale

Disposable diapers have become a common household item. Well in households with babies that is. But this wasn’t always the case. Cloth diapers used to dominate in most homes because they were more cost effective. As years have passed though, disposable diapers have become a more affordable and convenient option.
While disposable diapers have been around since the 1940s, their popularity grew slowly. Money was tight back in those days and baby diapers of the disposable nature were a high dollar item. Not to mention that back in the 40s the disposable diapers were one size fits all and usually, they didn’t fit any. This made for a lot of leaks and disposables were considered less reliable than their cloth diaper counterparts. By the 1950s these issues were addressed and disposable diapers were appearing in multiple sizes, but they were still only for the families who could afford to pay top dollar for them.
By the 1970s the price of diapers fell drastically and convenience won over moms to be across the nation. Disposable diapers became light weight, of varying sizes and even some differing designs. The growing popularity of disposable diapers was due almost totally to the convenience factor and this remains true today where most families enjoy the take and toss approach to diapering over the shake, wash and reuse concept behind the cloth diapers.
Today’s disposable diapers come in more shapes and sizes than most parents can comprehend. Some are more absorbent than others and others are more flexible than their counterparts. Every manufacturer produces a different style and absorbency of diaper and finding the right one is just a matter of trying different kinds.
The right disposable diapers for your baby will largely still be dictated by budget. Most moms buy the diapers that they have a coupon for while others stick to the store brand diapers. The most important part of this selection process is that the diapers be comfortable and non-irritating for your baby. Babies’ skin is sensitive and you see signs rather quickly if they are having any kind of reaction to the materials used in the diaper. If you see signs of rash or chapping, try a different brand.
Don’t pay top dollar for your disposable diapers. Buy wholesale diapers online and save money, time and gas by having them delivered to your front door. Always find the best baby diaper for your little bundle.